Epi means above, upon
demos means people
logy means knowledge
The study of distribution and determinants (risk factors) of health
related states or events in a specified population and the application
of this study is to control health problems is called as Epidemiology.
It involves:
a) Distribution of Disease
b) Disease Frequency
c) Determinants of Risk factors
Types of Epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology:
The study of distribution of diseases in the society is called as descriptive epidemiology.
Analytical Epidemiology:
The study of determinants of risk factors of disease is called as analytical epidemiology.
Disease Frequency:
Epidemiology is the measurement of frequencies of diseases...
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
History of Community Medicine
Origin of Community Medicine
Primitive Medicine:
The medicine which were used primarily by the Religious people etc.
Indian Medicine:
It includes Homopathic and Unites
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Egyptian Medicine:
These medicine were more technical and advanced.
Chinese drugs:
They developed Immunization(Edward Jinner) for the first time.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Sustained high blood pressure is known as hypertension.
Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood on the walls of the vessels.
Normal BP is 120/80 mmhg
In Hypertension BP > 130/90
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i. Grade 1 hypertension: Also called Mild hypertension
Systolic BP = 130-140 mmhg Diastolic BP = 85-90 mmhg
ii. ...
Myocardial infarction (MI)
The complete necrosis of the myocardium due to complete cessation (occlusion) of blood supply is called myocardial infarction.
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· Atherosclerotic plaque (unstable)
· Embolic occlusion of coronaries
· Severe and prolonged vasospasm
· Drugs (Cocain and Amphetamine)
Clinical features:
Ø Chest pain
o Severe...
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
Acute coronary syndrome includes unstable Angina and Non ST segment Elevation MI.
clinical state in which a person have chest pain mostly on the left
side with radiation to left arm and relieved within 30 minutes is called
clinical syndrome characterized by chest pain occurring as a result of
decreased O2/ blood supply lasting within 30 minutes is called Angina.
Etiopathogenesis of Angina:
There is narrowing of the coronary arteries either by coronary vasospasm or by atherosclerosis (deposition of fats).
Types of Angina:
1. Classical or exertional Angina:
occurs due to increased myocardial oxygen during exertion or emotion in
a patient of narrow coronary arteries. In such...
WHO (World Health Organization) 1948
ü To strengthen the health services
ü To promote standards of education, training and health related professions
ü To provide information, assistance and counsel in health fields
ü To promote nutrition, housing sanitation, and other aspects of environmental health
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ü To promote and conduct resear...
Basic terms of Community Medicine
process of entry of microorganisms into human followed by their
multiplication and development within the human body is called
Example: colonization of staphylococcus aureus in the nasopharynx and skin.
It is the state of having parasite in or on the body which includes arthropods or animal parasites.
For person or animal the lodgment, development and reproduction of some organisms on the surface of the body or on the clothes
lodgment to an infectious agent under natural conditions is called
host. The place in which the parasite attains maturity and passes sexual
stages is called primary host or definitive host.
Contagious disease:
A disease that is transmitted through contact is called contagious disease.
Example: Scabies,...