The most complex bony structure of the body is Skull and is formed by the cranium and facial bones.
Cranium –It protects the brain and is the site of attachment for head and neck muscles.
Facial bones−It supply the framework of the face, the sense organs, and the teeth
Formed from eight large bones
Unpaired bones include
• Occipital bone
• Frontal bone
• Sphenoid bone
• Ethmoid bone
Paired bones include
• Temporal bones
• Parietal bones
It is only bone which articulates with all the other bones of the cranium. It forms the floor of the middle cranial fossa. Anteriorly it articulates with the frontal and ethmoidal bones, laterally with the temporal bones and posteriorly with the occipital bone. Sphenoid bone has two pair of wings: greater wings and lesser wings. These wings give sphenoid bone bat shaped appearance. The greater wings form the floor and wall of middle cranial fossa. The lesser wings form the anterior wall of the middle cranial fossa. The most anterior part of the lesser wings is called sphenoid ridges (concha) which separates the anterior cranial fossa from the middle cranial fossa. Between the two greater wings lies the body of sphenoid bone. The body has two anterior projections called as anterior clinoid processes and two posterior projections called as posterior clinoid processes. In-between these two projections lie a pituitary fossa which accommodates the pituitary gland. Both anterior and posterior clinoid process along with pituitary fossa form a saddle like structure called as sella turcica. From the inferior surface of the body of sphenoid bone arise two projections called as lateral and medial pterygoid processes. In between these processes lies the pterygoid fossa.
Through the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone passes a canal called as optic canal through which passes the optic nerve. Between the lesser and greater wings anteriorly lies a fissure called superior orbital fissure through which passes the ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve. Most anterior of the greater wing has a foramen rotundum through which passes the maxillary division of trigeminal nerve. Posterior to the foramen rotundum is foramen ovale through which passes the mandibular division of trigeminal nerve. Posterior and lateral to the foramen ovale is the foramen spinosum through which passes the middle meningeal artery.
• Cribriform plate is the most superior part of the ethmoid bone. It has central upward projection called as crista galli (site of attachment of falx cerebri or durra matter). The two horizontal plate of cribriform plate contain foramina for the passage of olfactory nerve.
• Perpendicular plate projects downward and helps in the formation of the nasal septum. It has two borders. Anterior border articulates in front with the frontal bone while the upper part of the posterior border articulates with the sphenoid bone and lower part of the posterior border with the vomer bone.
• 2 Labyrinths (Medial and Lateral labyrinths): The lateral labyrinth forms the medial wall of the orbit which is called lamina papyraceae. The medial labyrinth forms two projections, which protrudes inside the nasal cavity forming two projections called as the superior nasal conchae and middle nasal conchae. These nasal conchae contain air cells which make the ethmoid sinuses. Superiorly these sinuses communicate with the frontal sinus while laterally with the maxillary sinuses.
Facial Bones
Facial skeleton is composed of fourteen bones of which only the mandible and vomer are unpaired. The paired bones are the maxillae, zygomatics, nasals, lacrimals, palatines, and inferior conchae.
Cranium –It protects the brain and is the site of attachment for head and neck muscles.
Facial bones−It supply the framework of the face, the sense organs, and the teeth
Formed from eight large bones
Unpaired bones include
• Occipital bone
• Frontal bone
• Sphenoid bone
• Ethmoid bone
Paired bones include
• Temporal bones
• Parietal bones
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bones
- Frontal bone
- Sphenoid bone
- Ethmoid bone
• Cribriform plate is the most superior part of the ethmoid bone. It has central upward projection called as crista galli (site of attachment of falx cerebri or durra matter). The two horizontal plate of cribriform plate contain foramina for the passage of olfactory nerve.
• Perpendicular plate projects downward and helps in the formation of the nasal septum. It has two borders. Anterior border articulates in front with the frontal bone while the upper part of the posterior border articulates with the sphenoid bone and lower part of the posterior border with the vomer bone.
• 2 Labyrinths (Medial and Lateral labyrinths): The lateral labyrinth forms the medial wall of the orbit which is called lamina papyraceae. The medial labyrinth forms two projections, which protrudes inside the nasal cavity forming two projections called as the superior nasal conchae and middle nasal conchae. These nasal conchae contain air cells which make the ethmoid sinuses. Superiorly these sinuses communicate with the frontal sinus while laterally with the maxillary sinuses.
- Parietal bones
Facial Bones
Facial skeleton is composed of fourteen bones of which only the mandible and vomer are unpaired. The paired bones are the maxillae, zygomatics, nasals, lacrimals, palatines, and inferior conchae.
- Mandible bone
- Vomer bone
- Nasal bones
- Maxillary bones
- Zygomatic bones
- Lacrimal bones
- Palatine bones
- Inferior nasal conchae
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